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Our approach

Are you interested in how the therapy works and what you can expect with us? Read below about our approach to work, clients and physiotherapy in general.


Initial interview

At Physiohub, we realize how little time is spent talking to the patient in today's medicine. We are often the first to really listen to you and carefully go through the timeline of your pain with you, including the often neglected psychosocial influences. We always try to create a trusting relationship from the very beginning. 


Precise examination

Viewing a person in his whole complexity is what ultimately matters to us. That is why our physiotherapy assessments are always comprehensive. Already during the diagnosis, we will communicate with you individual limitations, which we will subsequently treat in the therapy, and at the same time, they will serve as feedback on the development of your health condition.


Setting realistic goals 

We like to help our clients achieve their dream goals. At the same time, from our point of view, this is the essence of quality treatment, because rehabilitation cannot take the right direction without a set realistic goal.



We believe that good quality physiotherapy goes much beyond our treatment table. With us, the patient is an active participant in the rehabilitation process. That is why we always emphasize explaining pain mechanisms and proposed solutions. We try to make the therapy and exercises part of your life so that you can easily prevent the return of difficulties.



We are constantly improving our services and investing a lot of resources in further education to provide services according to the most modern methods. We have enough time for each patient and only have as many clients per day as we can handle without losing enthusiasm for our work or reducing the quality of care. 

We can never guarantee the result, but we will always try our best!

Take a look at our services and find out in which area we can help you

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